Relationship Agreement

How we will be together during the program

Welcome to the Creative Leadership Program! As we embark on this journey together, we believe in fostering strong and supportive relationships. To guide us in creating a safe and inclusive community, we have developed a Relationship Agreement that outlines our shared values and expectations.

Confidentiality, Psychological Safety and Trust
We respect the privacy and confidentiality of others, holding discussions and personal information shared within the program in strict confidence unless explicitly permitted to share.
We create a space where all participants feel physically and emotionally safe. We respect personal boundaries and address any safety concerns promptly and compassionately.

Respect and Inclusion
We commit to treating all participants with respect, embracing and celebrating their diverse identities and experiences. We create an inclusive atmosphere where every perspective is valued and welcomed, regardless of race, ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation or ability.

Open and Constructive Communication
We engage in open, honest, and constructive communication, fostering meaningful dialogue and understanding. We practice active listening, empathy, and curiosity to deepen our connections. It means that disagreements are respectful, and we use them to catalyse the uncovering of new perspectives. We embrace feedback graciously, using it as an opportunity for personal growth.

Ownership of our emotional journey
We cultivate self-awareness, empathy, and emotional intelligence in our interactions, supporting personal and professional growth. We take full responsibility for our own emotions, our learning journey and are aware of the impact that our behaviours and actions have on others. We create a space where vulnerability is honoured and boundaries respected, allowing for deeper connections to flourish.

We conduct ourselves professionally and ethically, refraining from engaging in any form of harassment, discrimination, or offensive behaviour. We create a positive and respectful environment by using language, imagery, and actions that promote inclusivity.

Collaboration and Support
We foster a culture of collaboration, support, and constructive feedback.
We offer assistance and encouragement to fellow participants, celebrating their achievements and helping them overcome challenges. We do not fix people but hold them naturally creative, resourceful and whole. We trust that they have the answers and resources to overcome obstacles. We only share ideas when asked to do so.

Respecting Program Guidelines
We commit to following all program guidelines, instructions, and assignments the facilitator provides. We actively engage in program sessions, complete assignments on time, and contribute positively to the overall learning experience.

Consequences of Misconduct
Any overstepping of the boundaries of this Relationship Agreement may result in appropriate actions. On the first occurrence of such an overstepping of boundary, a warning will be given, following a face-to-face conversation with the parties involved. If the boundaries and this Relationship Agreement are violated repeatedly, expulsion from the program is the next step, and no refunds will be offered. These measures are in place to maintain a safe and inclusive environment for all participants.

If you experience or witness any violations of this Relationship Agreement, please promptly report the incident to the program facilitator or designated contact person. Your report will be handled confidentially and with utmost seriousness, and an attempt at mediation will be initiated.

By participating in the Creative Catalyst Leadership Program, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by this Relationship Agreement. Let's nurture our relationships, build a strong community, and inspire creativity, growth, and positive change together.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Relationship Agreement or the program itself, please contact the program facilitator.